Ammari M., Maseh., K, Zander M. (2024) PIF transcription factors - versatile plant epigenome landscapers. Frontiers in Epigenetics and Epigenomics, Volume 2

Saldierna Guzmán J. P., Zander M.*, Willige B.C* (2023) Chromatin Immunoprecipitation to Investigate H2A.Z Dynamics in Response to Temperature Changes. Methods Mol Biol 2795:169-182 *co-corresponding authors



Yin L., Zander M., Huang S.C., Xie M., Song L., Guzman P.S., Hann E., Shanbhag B.K., Ng S., Jain S., Janssen B.J., Clark N.M., Walley J.W., Beddoe T., Bar-Joseph Z., Lewsey M.G., Ecker J.R. (2023) Transcription Factor Dynamics in Cross-Regulation of Plant Hormone Signaling Pathways bioRxiv 2023.03.07.531630


Li J., Pinto-Duarte A., Zander M., Cuoco M.S., Lai C.Y., Osteen J., Fang J., Luo C., Lucero J., Gomez-Castanon R., Nery J.R., Silva-Garcia I., Pang Y., Sejnowski T.J., Powell S.B., Ecker J.R., Mukamel E.A., Behrens M.M. (2022) Dnmt3a knockout in excitatory neurons impairs postnatal synapse maturation and increases the repressive histone modification H3K27me3. Elife 11:e66909


Zander M. (2021) Many ways to repress! JAZ’s agony of choices. Molecular Plant 14 (5), 714-716

Willige B.C.*, Zander M.*, Phan A., Garza R.M., Trigg S.A., He Y., Nery R.J., Ecker J.R., Chory J. (2021) Phytochrome-interacting factors trigger environmentally responsive chromatin dynamics. Nature Genetics 53, pages 955–961 *co-first authors


Zander M.*, Lewsey M.G.*, Clark N.M, Yin L., Bartlett A., Saldierna Guzmán J.P., Hann E., Langford A.E., Jow B., Wise A., Nery J.R., Chen H., Bar-Joseph Z., Walley J.W., Solano., R. Ecker J.R. (2020) Integrated Multi-omic Framework of the Plant Response to Jasmonic Acid. Nature Plants 6 (3), 290-302 *co-first authors

Burko Y., Seluzicki A., Zander M., Pedmale U., Ecker J.R. Chory J. (2020) Chimeric activators and repressors define HY5 activity and reveal a light-regulated feedback mechanism. Plant Cell 32 (4), 967-983

Ortigosa A., Fonseca S., Franco-Zorrilla J., Fernandez Calvo P., Zander M., Lewsey M.G. Garcia-Casado G., Fernandez-Barbero G., Ecker J.R., Solano R. (2020) The JA-pathway MYC transcription factors regulate photomorphogenic responses by targeting HY5 gene expression. The Plant Journal 102 (1), 138-152


Zander M., Willige B.C., He Y., Nguyen T.A., Langford A.E., Nehring R., Howell E., McGrath R., Bartlett A., Castanon R., Nery J.R., Chen H., Zhang Z., Jupe F., Stepanova A.N., Schmitz R.J, Lewsey M.G., Chory J., Ecker J.R. (2019) Epigenetic silencing of a multifunctional stress regulator. eLIFE 8:e47835

Van Moerkercke A., Duncan O., Zander M., Lama S., Bai Y., Broda M., Lewsey M.G., Vanden Bossche R., Šimura J., Lung K., Goossens A., Ecker J.R., Millar A.H., Van Aken O. (2019) A MYC2/MYC3/MYC4-dependent transcription factor network regulates water spray-responsive gene expression and jasmonate levels. PNAS, 116(46):23345-23356

Jupe F.*, Michael T.P.*, Rivkin A.C.*, Zander M.*, Motley S.P., Sandoval J.P., Slotkin R.K., Chen H., Castanon R., Nery J.R.,  Ecker J.R. (2019) The complex architecture and epigenomic impact of plant T-DNA insertions. PLoS Genetics 15 (1) *co-first authors


Findling S., Stotz H.U., Zoeller M., Krischke M., Zander M., Gatz C., Berger S., Mueller M.J. (2018). TGA2 signaling in response to reactive electrophile species is not dependent on cysteine modification of TGA2. PLoS One 13 (4)


Pedmale U.V., Huang S.S., Zander M., Cole B.J., Hetzel J., Ljung K., Reis P.A., Sridevi P., Nito K., Nery J.R., Ecker J.R., Chory J. (2016). Cryptochromes interact directly with PIFs to control plant growth in limiting blue light. Cell 164 (1-2), 233-45


Zander M.*, Thurow C.*, Gatz C. (2014). TGA Transcription Factors Activate the Salicylic Acid-Suppressible Branch of the Ethylene-Induced Defense Program by Regulating ORA59 Expression. Plant Physiology 165 (4), 1671-1683 *co-first authors


Schweizer F., Fernández-Calvo P., Zander M., Diez-Diaz M., Fonseca, S., Glauser G., Lewsey M.G., Ecker J.R., Solano R., Reymond P. (2013). Arabidopsis basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors MYC2, MYC3, and MYC4 regulate glucosinolate biosynthesis, insect performance, and feeding behavior. Plant Cell 25 (8), 3117-3132


Zander M.*, Shuxia C.*, Imkampe J., Thurow C., Gatz C. (2012). Repression of the Arabidopsis thaliana jasmonic acid/ethylene-induced defense pathway by TGA-interacting glutaredoxins depends on their C-terminal ALWL motif. Molecular Plant 5 (4), 831-840 *co-first authors


La Camera S., L’haridon F., Astier J., Zander M., Abou-Mansour E., Page G., Thurow C., Wendehenne D., Gatz C., Metraux J.P., Lamotte O. (2011). The glutaredoxin ATGRXS13 is required to facilitate Botrytis cinerea infection of Arabidopsis thaliana plants. The Plant Journal 68 (3), 507-519


Zander M., La Camera S., Lamotte O., Metraux J.P., Gatz C. (2010). Arabidopsis thaliana class-II TGA transcription factors are essential activators of jasmonic acid/ethylene-induced defense responses. The Plant Journal 61 (2), 200-210


Ndamukong I., Abdallat A.A., Thurow C., Fode B., Zander M., Weigel R., Gatz C. (2007). SA-inducible Arabidopsis glutaredoxin interacts with TGA factors and suppresses JA-responsive PDF1.2 transcription. The Plant Journal 50 (1), 128-139